Cure for baldness is there a cure?

  • By: superliving
  • Date: October 20, 2021
  • Time to read: 5 min.

Baldness or hair loss

If we firstly talk about the term baldness that is indeed very closely related to hair loss, then this term simply implies the thinning of the hair and even a complete loss as well. This hair loss is also referred to the term alopecia. The loss of hair usually results in baldness. When an individual faces hair loss, he usually becomes bald. Another important aspect about this baldness is that it can be temporary as well as permanent. So, this is the overall concept about baldness not hair loss.

Symptoms of going bald

Baldness may also have some related symptoms as well. These symptoms can tell an individual whether he is suffering from baldness or not. If we take a look at some of the symptoms of baldness, then these may include the sudden loosening of hair, thinning on the top of the head and certain medications as well. These are some of the related symptoms of baldness or hair loss.

Causes of hair loss

Now, if we take into consideration some of the causes of hair loss or also referred to as the baldness, then it can be a result of a number of various factors. For instance, this baldness can be due to some kind of hereditary or a specific medical situation.

 It can also be caused because of the excessive stress or maybe because of the lifestyle that an individual may follow. It can also be caused because of some medication that would have side effects or maybe because of improper hair care. So, all of these are the possible causes that are related to hair loss or baldness.

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Cure of hair loss or baldness

So, now if we consider about the cure for baldness, then there are indeed a variety of options and choices that an individual can go for. Although, it is not absolutely confirmed that the baldness can be cured but what we can indeed say is that it may be limited and reduced to a much larger extent. So, some of the treatment and processes that can be used in order to cure baldness are as follows.

Medications for hair loss

In the market, there exist some medicines that are known to be effective in curing the baldness not treating the hair loss issues of an individual. So, these drugs can help you fight effectively against the baldness. One drug is the Minoxidil. 

This Minoxidil is just like a foam or liquid and you can apply it over your scalp. It will basically help in the growth of new hair and will also prevent the hair loss as well. Similarly, Finasteride is a tablet that can also help you in this regard.

So, medications and drugs can be used in order to treat and cure the baldness or hair loss.

Hair transplants

It is also a suitable option for curing the hair of an individual. As the name indicates, this method and process can be used in order to fight against the baldness. It can be used in order to regrow the hair at the bald spots. Further, this hair transplant can occur in two main ways. 

It can either be an FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) or an FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction). Hair transplant basically is related to the follicles of the scalp. Basically, in this process z the hair follicles are removed from the scalp that are good and are placed in a region that has been affected by baldness. So, this is the basic principle of hair transplant functioning.

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Laser treatment

This is also an effective and latest method that can be used against baldness and hair loss problems. This method or process basically makes use of a laser in order to decrease the inflammation of follicles. So, when the follicles of hair will be treated, then these follicles will start working again in a normal manner and as a consequence, the hair loss problem would be limited.


If you have been losing your hair for a while and have decided to finally get a head full of hair again, then you might want to take a look at the new Profollica Hair Recovery for Men treatment system. This is a hair loss treatment system that comes with a lot of great advantages for men who have been suffering from hair loss for some time. For one thing, it is all natural, which means that it is safe to use even for men who are in their prime. This treatment has also been clinically proven to be effective as well as being safe to use. In fact, it is recommended by many doctors and specialists.

Other alternatives

Apart from different kinds of medications, there are also some other ways that can be used in order to effectively control the baldness and hair loss issues in individuals. For instance, smoking usually leads to baldness. So in order to reduce the chances of baldness, an individual should simply quit smoking and change hai lifestyle. Further, an individual should also take regular scalp massages as these would be very beneficial for the scalp and the hair follicles and would somehow contribute in reducing hair loss problems.

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Also, using some specific oils could also be very beneficial. For instance, peppermint oil is said to be very effective in causing hair growth. So, such kind of oils could also be used in order to reduce the baldness levels. Similarly, onion juice and saw palmetto are considered to be very effective in this regard.

So, these are some of the methods, processes or medications that could be used in order to fight against baldness in an effective way.


Therefore, based on the above discussion, what I conclude is that baldness or hair loss is a problem that a lot of people suffer from. Although there is not an absolute cure to this, but it can somehow be reversed and reduced by following the above stated tips such as using some specific medications, going for a hair transplant or a laser treatment or even may be using some other alternatives. These will definitely help you to cure baldness and hair loss issues.

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