How Aerobic vs Anaerobic Training Effects Weight Loss

  • By: superliving
  • Date: February 9, 2022
  • Time to read: 4 min.

When devising a weight loss plan many take a hard look at the foods they eat and how often they move their bodies. Understanding that physical exercise and engaging in frequent activity will aid in increasing weight loss, those seeking to lose weight are no strangers to exercise regimens.

While exercise is widely accepted as a requirement to losing weight, the type of physical activity needed to achieve specific goals are often overlooked. With such a varied selection of exercise options it is important for those with sustained weight loss in mind understand just how varied their workouts can be when trying to achieve a physical fitness goal.

Coming to such an understanding helps better maintain a drive to follow through on achievement, which in turn fosters a sense of accomplishment and drive to set further goals. 

In seeking to gain further understanding of what exercise plans are best for each individual, it is important to understand the different types of training styles in fitness. While both aerobic and anaerobic training styles can be beneficial to weight loss, they differ in execution and each is better suited to achieve different goals. 

Aerobic Training

Aerobic workouts, often referred to as “cardio” training, is a type of training that focuses on performing aerobic exercises. These types of workouts are typically known for getting the heart pumping and breath flowing because such exercises result in increased breathing and heart rate, both of which are sustained over a long period of time.

Although aerobic exercises encompass challenging physical activity and heavy breathing those engaging in such workouts will not find themselves out of breath because according to Richard Weil, MEd, CDE a sharp rise in oxygen intake aids your body in burning more carbohydrates and fats.

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This continuous supply of oxygen provides the body with the energy needed to help the continued rhythmic movement of muscles during a workout. 

The nature of continual oxygen supply makes aerobic training excellent for building stamina, burning fat, and strengthening the capacity of the heart and lungs. Aerobic exercise also helps keep the circulatory system healthy and even attributes to a boost in overall mood.

According to Weil, such training can also help prevent or reduce the chance of developing some cancers, diabetes, depression, cardiovascular disease, and osteoporosis. PhenQ weight loss pill review and those seeking to engage in aerobic training can do so by engaging in activities such as brisk walking, swimming, running, or endurance cycling.

Anaerobic Training

Unlike aerobic training which requires a sustained oxygen supply, anaerobic exercises require quick bursts of energy and are typically performed using maximum force over a short interval of time. While performing this type of training your body requires immediate energy so it heavily depends on stored energy sources rather than oxygen to complete the task.

Daniel Bubnis, MS reviewed that this use of stored energy aids in the breakdown of glucose in the body which is good for burning calories and completing endurance-building exercises. Such anaerobic training is good for those trying to build muscle, stamina, endurance and bone strength.

Because anaerobic exercises are meant to push the body beyond its limits it has many benefits to the body such as increased bone density and muscle mass, joint protection, and boosts in energy, mood, and metabolism.

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Working to increase muscle strength and muscle mass aids in the body having more structural support which protects from potential injury while also increasing the bodies metabolic rate. Such increases have been seen to decrease the risk of osteoporosis and aid in maintaining a healthy weight because a boost in metabolism helps maintain lean muscle and with more lean muscle more calories  will be burned during workouts.

For those interested in anaerobic training, exercises such as jumping rope, sprinting, squatting or heavy weight lifting are great exercises to engage in should also read Garcinia Cambogia Weight Loss Review.

Choosing a Training Type Based on Fitness Goals

In order to properly decide on the most effective workout routine it is important to first accurately identify a specific fitness goal. First solidifying a fitness goal will better aid in identifying areas of strength and growth.

If you are new to exercise and do not have a set goal outside of adopting physical fitness as to lead a healthier life then it is best for you to start with aerobic exercises. According to many experts in the field of exercise, starting with aerobic workouts will allow those beginning a new exercise routine to first focus on building endurance before pushing the body to new task too quickly.

Once endurance and stamina have been successfully increased with such exercises, anaerobic training can then be added into the workout routine. This is a good course of action because the taxing nature of anaerobic exercises can lead to injury or sprain in the beginning of a new routine.

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In this way, being mindful of the various types of training can not only better aid in achieving personal fitness goals but also successfully help prevent serious injury.

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